Language Learning
I decided to add a Spanish minor during my sophomore year after fulfilling my language requirement for the College of Liberal Arts. This simple choice undoubtedly transformed my collegiate experience, as I was able to access an entirely new world with my developing language abilities.
Spring 2017
Introduction to Spanish I
This was the first Spanish class I took at UF. Although I had taken Spanish in high school, my knowledge had significantly faded and I wanted to start off with a solid foundation. It was this class where I first learned how the basics of grammar, spelling, and verb forms.
Fall 2017
Fall 2018
Spring 2018
Intermediate Spanish I
This was one of the most enjoyable Spanish classes I have ever taken! In this course, we learned by examining different short films from various Spanish-speaking countries. The course culminated in a project and presentation exploring racial issues in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which you can view here.
Introduction to Spanish II
My second Spanish class intially served to complete my language requirement for my major. However, as I progressed through the class, I began to gain a sense of confidence. I was more capable of speaking up in class and actually practiced intiating conversations in Spanish outside of class.
Summer 2018
Intermediate Spanish II, Intensive Communication Skills, Art in Spain
I took all three of these courses during my time studying abroad in Madrid, Spain (you can find more about that experience here). These classes equipped me with knowledge that directly informed my interactions with Spaniards and sharpened my speaking skills through real-world experiences.
Spanish Grammar and Composition
Upon my return to the US, this class marked the first time that I consistently had to write numerous essays. By learning the conventions and details of Spanish grammar, I was better able to succinctly write and communicate with others. At this point, I felt comfortable reading novels in Spanish and began to watch more Spanish television.
Culture and Civilization of Spanish America
This elective was one of the first to challenge me. As I examined the history of oppression and colonization experienced in Spanish America, I was also encouraged to attend multiple academic talks centering around these issues in the present day, including indigenous rights in Bolivia and significance of guns in Mexico.
Spring 2019
Fall 2019
Introduction to Spanish Literature
This class exposed me to classic Spanish literature and poetry from the 13th to the 17th centuries. I loved the creativity required for this class, as I had to read many texts and even act out portions of a Spanish play! This course enriched my understanding of Spanish artistic expression over time and encouraged me to use my language skills creatively.
Spanish Prose in
the Golden Age
This course continued my exploration of Spanish literature and highly emphasized analytical thinking. Every week we had to write a critical essay that analyzed arguments made in works by authors like Quijote y Lope de Vega (here is an example). This ultimately strengthened my ability to articulate myself in Spanish and hold intellectual discussions.