Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Aug 2016-May 2020 University of Florida- Gainesville, Florida
Major: Psychology
Emphasis: Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience
Minor: Spanish
Major GPA: 4.00/4.00
Overall GPA: 3.96/4.00
REDCap Project Manager
May 2019 - present
Pediatric Neuropsychology Clinic, University of Florida
Import data from prior Excel and Access databases to create a large REDCap clinical research database
Train lab members on REDCap features and generate data reports for graduate research within the lab
Oversee data entry and troubleshoot technical errors through queries within REDCap database
Research Assistant
May 2019 - present
Pediatric Neuropsychology Clinic, University of Florida
Consented pediatric patients and their caregivers according to Institutional Review Board protocol
Administer DKEFS Trails and BRIEF questionnaires as well as measures to record body fat percentage
Calculated socioeconomic status (SES) with published Hollingshead Four Factor Index of Social Status
Clinic Assistant
Sept 2018-present
Pediatric Neuropsychology Clinic, University of Florida
Administer patient neuropsychological validity measures and score measures in Spanish and English
Entertain and interact with pediatric patients during testing and clinical interviews with caregivers
Supervise and train new assistants on test administration, professionalism, and proper Excel protocol
Research Assistant
May - August 2017
Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic, Florida State University
Conducted in-depth literature review regarding hoarding and social exclusion using Google Scholar
Developed study protocol and Qualtrics questionnaires to examine student attachment to possessions
Recruited and ran participants during hour-long sessions and reported study results in SONA database
Honors and Awards
Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholar Dean’s List Member, UF Honors College Member, Phi Eta Sigma
Member, Phi Beta Kappa
Member, Psi Chi Honor Society President’s Honor Roll
President, Psychology Club
Jan 2019 - present
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Realize the mission of the club by providing networking opportunities for over 100 psychology majors
Encourage professional growth by sponsoring professor and community lectures during meetings
Delegate event planning duties to eight other officers and oversee their progress throughout the year
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Aug - Dec 2019
University of Florida
Graded hundreds of essays and provided feedback for students in Social and Counseling Psychology
Lectured about cognitive dissonance and conformity processes for 60 students under Dr. Ron Chandler
Supervised therapeutic role plays and facilitated a counseling “book club” under Victoria McNeil, M.S
President, Standing Room Only A Cappella
Sept 2017 - May 2019
University of Florida
Arranged public performances with the UF School of Music and various community organizations
Registered the a cappella group as an official student organization at the University of Florida
Coordinated with other a cappella groups to host an annual winter concert in the student union for over 100 attendees
Community Service
Phone Volunteer, Alachua County Crisis Center
May 2019 - present
Gainesville, Florida
Provide counseling services to the Gainesville community through the Crisis Line and Suicide Hotline
Certified in crisis intervention as well as rumor control procedures during natural disasters
Schedule appointments for individual and family counseling at the Crisis Center
Volunteer, Shands Nursing Unit 52 (Psychiatry)
Jan - Apr 2018
Shands Hospital, University of Florida
Facilitated discussion with patients about emotional struggles and mental health goals during group meetings
Incorporated appropriate precautions against triggering patients
Learned how to sensitively discuss mental health issues